A multidisciplinary team

Silyane is a passionate and complementary team to support you in all your marketing and sales issues.

Ludovic Tronel
Founding Partner & Business Process Manager
The sales perfectionist! With Ludo, each action must be measured to do better than the previous one.‍
Stéphane Girardin
Founding Partner & Sales Strategy Advisor
The most experienced guy in the team, with a strong experience in sales management and an engineering background, Steph will find the solutions to your commercial puzzles.
Lyderic Miotti
Founding Partner & Marketing Manager  
Un ex business developper devenu couteau-suisse digital, le profil parfait pour dépoussiérer vos méthodes d'acquisition.
Nicolas Bouygues
Web Developer & Technical Advisor
Le "tech" de Silyane, Nico nous aide à lever les barrières techniques pour rester constamment efficaces dans nos process et améliorer les vôtres !
Adrien Gonin
Associate & Internationalization Manager
Silyane's global citizen, Adrien can help you enter new markets (both private and public), while making sure you close them as quickly as possible.

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