Best practices in B2B cold e-mailing

Lyderic Miotti
February 22, 2023

In this article, we'll look at some best practices for launching an effective cold e-mailing campaign in BtoB. Prospecting e-mailing is more complex than it looks! Want to bet?

Questions to ask yourself before sending your message

Does e-mail still work in 2020?

YES, even YES, YES and YES! In this article (and throughout), we're talking about a B2B approach. While e-mail may seem an old-fashioned way of prospecting, it remains a highly effective contact channel if used wisely. What's more, it's one of the most popular sales levers for agencies working in B2B. You can even achieve quite spectacular opening and response rates, even when addressing new contacts.

While LinkedIn is a channel that has become increasingly important for prospecting, it does have its limits. At Silyane, we believe that, given the results obtained for our customers, the LinkedIn and e-mail channels are complementary in a global approach.

What is the purpose of my campaign?

Before sending out anything, it's important to remember that the prospective e-mail campaign you're planning can only be effective if it has the right objective. Just as you don't send a donkey to win a race, you don't send an e-mail to sell directly. Here's how...

An e-mail approach is relevant for :

  • Start talking about your brand/added value
  • Generate sales appointments
  • Invite to an event
  • Follow-up/remind contacts

"Sales is the last thing you want to focus on when building your Cold Email."

The aim is to arouse curiosity or even to make an appointment rather than to sell. 🤝
If you try to skip all the steps and go straight for the sale of your products/services or the request for a quote, your (cold) email runs the risk of coming across as "advertising" (what a dirty word...) or too intrusive.

Thinking in terms of problem-solving, or providing your audience with relevant, high-quality content free of charge, is much more conducive to creating a commercial relationship. Give to receive...

A campaign aimed at... a persona!

Putting people in boxes is bad. Grouping them by interests and problems is smart!

It's essential to draw up a "typical profile" of contacts to be addressed for a campaign. This step will enable you to create an e-mail geared to a specific issue, with a tone of voice adapted to the recipient.

You won't address Jean-Michel, 45-year-old Director of an industrial SME, in the same way as Steven, 28-year-old CEO of a tech start-up.

We can do a more complete article on personas, the subject is broader and more pointed than it seems.

Little bonus, Hubspot has released a great free tool to create your personas: Make my persona‍

How do you launch your campaign?

Which tools should you use to send Cold Emails?

There's a plethora of them! Here are just a few of the tools we use at Silyane: Woodpecker, Lemlist, Datananas, Overloop

We're talking about prospecting sequences here. Personalized e-mails, not branded "newsletters" like Mailchimp or Sarbacane. These are excellent for informing an existing customer base or community, not for prospecting.

"Prospective" solutions enable you to manage your e-mail dispatches. The idea is to push scenarios of several e-mails to groups of recipients.

Ex : Mail 1 / D+3 Mail 2 / D+7 Mail 3

If you're still prospecting by hand or using Outlook direct mail, take a look at these tools - it's never too late to change!

The golden rules ✍️

The message

The object

High impact on your email open rate!

  • A short object (max 70 characters)
  • A striking object with the most important words at the beginning (on a phone you only see the first few words).
  • Avoid words like "Promotion, Free, Urgent etc.".

The background

  • Personalize as much as possible: with issues, solutions, needs or topical subjects specific to the target and the persona.
  • Find "bait": free testing, content, event invitations, online underwriters, best practices, etc. A "call to action" that makes people want to do it!

The shape

  • No newsletter e-mails: keep the number of images to a minimum
  • Keep your e-mails short and to the point. No one has time to read long-winded e-mails, even if you write interesting things...

Additional information

The metrics of ideal e-mailing

  • Minimum opening rate: 50%.

=>If lower, it's not a problem of object but of deliverability

  • Minimum click-through rate: 30%.

=>If lower links aren't really useful, unattractive call to action...

  • Minimum response rate: 10%.

=>If inferior lacks personalization

  • Maximum bounce rate: 5-10%.

=>Si superior dangerous for the deliverability and reputation of your domain.

What about RGPD?

B2B prospecting is not prohibited by the RGPD!

However, there are a few prerequisites:

  • your prospect's legitimate interest in your offer
  • your prospect must be able to get out of the loop of your scenarios.

Find our full articles on the subject here: How to prospect in compliance with the RGPD?


We hope you've learned a few things! Yes, e-mailing is more complex than it seems. Many of the most important topics have not been covered in this article:

  • Limit the number of Bounced emails
  • Setting up an effective Call to Action
  • Prospecting with LinkedIn

They may be the subject of future topics. At Silyane, our credo "business is not a matter of luck" is based on a continuous analysis of the actions carried out for our customers. The content of this article may be obsolete in a few months' time, as methods evolve so quickly! What's more, the effectiveness of the method is not the same for all sectors of activity, nor all products/services.

So, to unearth the best sales levers, you have to keep an eye on the methods that work, test and test again!

Don't hesitate to follow Silyane on LinkedIn to keep up with our latest news, or take a look at our website and blog to find out more about our company. Better still, if you're out and about in Lyon, drop us a line to share a coffee!

The Silyane team.

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